About Us
Formed in 1980, the AGHS brings together people from diverse backgrounds united by an appreciation of and concern for our parks, gardens and cultural landscapes as part of Australia's heritage. The Society promotes knowledge of historic gardens, significant landscapes and research into their history. It aims to examine gardens and gardening in their widest social, historic, literary, artistic and scientific context.
Conference 2024
Bookings for the October-November 2025 AGHS Annual National Conference in Mount Gambier, South Australia, will open on 1st May 2025.
Download the
AGHS Conference Brochure 2025.
Join us at informal group activities, specialist lectures and seminars, professional tours around the country and abroad (only open to AGHS members) and contribute to the conservation of important gardens and cultural landscapes around the country. As part of your membership you also receive four issues of our journal, Australian Garden History, and regular branch and national newsletters.
AGH Journal
The journal is distributed to members of the Society four times a year. It contains articles on Australian gardens, notable gardeners and landscape designers, Advocacy issues, book reviews, reports of garden visits and tours, and an Australia-wide calendar of forthcoming activities.
Garden History Now
News items and Advocacy issues are featured as part of the Society's Mission.
The Australian Garden History Society has branches in all states and the ACT, which arrange local activities and act as advocates for regional issues which are of interest to the Society.
Events & Conferences
Branches around the country run a variety of events, along with the Australian National Conference. Specialist overseas garden tours are also open to members.
Projects & Reports
As part of the Society’s Mission, funding is available for related projects, reports and publications. Some of the projects include Oral History, Garden Restoration and Recording, and publication funding through the Kindred Spirits Fund.