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Victoria Branch: Self-drive/train to Westgarthtown historic farming settlement – guided tour

10 April @ 10:30 am - 12:30 pm AEST

Westgarthtown, Lalor/Thomastown is an historic farming settlement established c.1850s by German immigrants. We will have a special guided tour around Ziebell’s farmhouse, out buildings, garden and museum plus the Lutheran church, cemetery and other historic sites.

After a delicious morning tea, you will be free to do all, or part of the self-guided heritage walk of 2.9 kms which illustrates the hidden story of early European settlement in Australia. The site is on the Victorian Heritage Register.

Time: 10.30 am start for guided walk and morning tea.12.30 pm self-guided option followed by BYO lunch.

Location: 100 Gardenia Road, Thomastown. Enter from Ainwick Crescent

Getting there: Self-drive, car-pooling encouraged, or easy train trip plus 20 min walk from the Lalor or Thomastown stations on the Mernda train line

Cost: Members $20, Non-members $25.

Book: at Trybooking. Bookings close Monday, 7 April

Bring: walking shoes and BYO lunch if doing the self-guided option.

Enquiries: Ros Savio 0422 357 116 or Wendy Dwyer 0408 340 967



10 April
10:30 am - 12:30 pm AEST
Event Category: