Southern Highlands

Southern Highlands winter

Welcome to the Southern Highlands Branch. If you live in the Southern Highlands, Illawarra, Shoalhaven, Camden or Goulburn/Crookwell areas of New South Wales you are automatically a member of the Southern Highlands Branch when you join the AGHS. Our area boasts many historical and beautiful gardens and landscapes.

Historic gardens & cultural landscapes are now at risk as we find ourselves in times of environmental change and development pressure.  ‘Garden recordings are vital snapshots in time:  historic records of the layout, composition and character of a garden at a specific time.  Their greatest value is realised when a gardener wishes to restore or recreate lost features.’  We can assist with this process – you can purchase a document called Recording Gardens and we can provide a member to help you.

During the year the Branch has outside activities, including garden visits and tours in the warmer months, and indoor seminars in Winter. You are welcome to join us for any event and we hope you will find us a friendly group. There are no monthly meetings, but we keep in touch with our members through our newsletter Inflorescence, updates to this web page, and email. We invite you to read the latest editions of Inflorescence (see below) for articles on past and future events, and updates on our Branch's projects and advocacy.

Event Calendar

Branch Committee

Our meetings commence at 9:30am on the second Wednesday of the month in a private home.  You are welcome to join committee meetings at any time.  If you wish to join us, please contact Ruth at

Chair: Ruth Bailey (
Secretary: Olga Birrell
Treasurer: Lynda Cowley
Events Co-ordinator: Eleanor Dartnall and Sue Trudeau
IT Coordinator/Research: Vacant
Inflorescence Editor/Historian: Bud Townsing
Committee: Chris O'Brien, Pamela Jane

Associate Members

NMC Representative: Eleanor Dartnall
Tours: Ray Bradley
Oral History: Heather McIntyre