
Hobart Botanic Gardens

Welcome to the Tasmania Branch page. Our Branch has members throughout the state. We conduct numerous events throughout the year to which visitors are welcome, including garden visits and lectures.

Event Calendar

The Jericho Landscape

Mary Ramsay shares the story of four generations of tree planters beside the Jordan River in Tasmania’s Midlands.

Read The Jericho Landscape.

Cultural Landscapes Past and Present

Over the weekend of 9-10 April 2022 a group of AGHS members explored part of Tasmania’s East Coast. Janet Whelan reports on the tour and changes to the landscape.

Nominating a tree to the Significant Tree Register

The Tasmanian Branch has formed a committee to develop a Significant Tree  Register. New committee member and arboriculturist Andrew Robert-Tissot explains how the Register developed and how to nominate a tree.

Branch Committee

Branch Co-Chairs: Rosie Mackinnon
Ann Stark also Membership Officer
Secretary:  Antonia Dunne (secretaryaghstas@gmail.com)
Treasurer: Ian Kilgour (treasureraghstas@gmail.com)
Events Co-ordinator: Wyn Manners (eventsaghstas@gmail.com)
Advocacy: Sue Small
Special Projects Co-ordinator & NMC Rep: Andrew Robert-Tissot
Committee members:
 Leslie Kilgour, Janet Whelan, Ian Sampson

Non-committee positions filled by members:
Blue Gum Editor: Jennifer Stackhouse
Oral History Coordinator:  Jean Elder