Ross gardens in spring

One of the benefits of membership of Australian Garden History Society (AGHS) is the opportunity to explore a place more closely than the casual visitor. What lies behind that hedge or that avenue of stately trees or old dry stone […]

Winner of the QUT essay prize

The Australian Garden History Society is delighted to announce the winner of the essay competition for QUT Landscape Architecture students. The competition arose out of a collaboration between AGHS and QUT to encourage interest among landscape architecture students in the […]

Vale John Dargavel

The Australian forest and environmental history communities have lost one of their pioneering figures: the eminent forester and historian John Dargavel. who died in July 2024. Dargavel was a long-standing member of the Fenner School of Environment and Society at […]

Eden unearthed: well worth a visit

Stuart Read reviews the Eden Unearthed: sculpture exhibition, Eden Gardens & Garden Centre, 307 Lane Cove Road (cnr. M2/Fontenoy Road), Macquarie Park, Sydney, until April 2024. The curator is Meredith Kirton, a horticultural journalist and curator, and AGHS member. Image […]

A win for TROVE

The Minister for the Arts, Tony Burke, has announced that the Government will provide the National Library of Australia with $33 million over four years in the Budget. The Government is also committing to providing $9.2 million in indexed ongoing […]

Helping Ukrainian scientists

For the last nine months, AGHS member, Dr Greg Johnson, has been liaising with plant pathologist colleagues in Poland. These people are hosting refugee scientists from Ukraine thanks in part to bursaries from the International Society for Plant Pathology (ISPP). […]

Goronga plant list

In the October 2021 issue of Australian Garden History, Tim Gatehouse writes about the history of Goronga, a grazing property with a hill-station garden in the foothills of the Dandenong Ranges, 55 kilometres from Melbourne. The two driveways that converge […]

National E-News

Latest issue July 2020 Previous issues April 2020 March 2020 February 2020 January 2020 December 2019 November 2019 October 2019 September 2019 August 2019 July 2019 May 2019

Dig In! with TROVE

Gardeners have long built and re-built communities. Great swathes of land and some important Australian gardens were lost or significantly damaged in the fire and hailstorms of the 2019-2020 summer. In keeping with the AGHS mission to promote awareness through […]

Flowers. Passion. Pain. Nation.

With a title such as that, surely an exhibition for our times. The April issue of Australian Garden History contained an advertisement for the current exhibition at Adelaide’s David Roche Foundation House Museum, Flowers. Passion. Pain. Nation. although, sadly, carrying […]

Dame Elisabeth Murdoch

More Oral Histories Now Online

See the latest additions to the AGHS National Oral History Collection! This is a very special collection of memories, thoughts and ideas from the mouths of those whose passion helped shape the AGHS into what it is today. To see […]

Council supports Australian Garden History Society

Armidale Regional Council has approved funding of $43,656 to the Australian Garden History Society for the development of its Heritage Rose Garden Stage 2. The funding support has come from Council’s Stronger Communities Grants program which was a one-off allocation […]

Garden Restoration Project in the News

Montague Island Kitchen Garden Restoration was a recipient of the Society’s Garden Restoration Fund between the ACT Monaro Riverina Branch and the National body. Working alongside the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service volunteers from the ACT Monaro Riverina Branch […]