Australian Garden History Society

2023 Annual National Conference

Ipswich Civic Centre 50 Nicholas Street, Ipswich, Queensland, Australia

AGHS Conference 2023 - 29 Sep to 1 Oct 2023 - Ipswich, QLD - Digging into the past – above and below the Limestone Hills

ACT Monaro Riverina Branch: Visit to Horse Park and Elm Grove

Horse Park and Elm Grove homesteads are two of the oldest continually occupied and worked rural properties in the ACT.  John Gillespie and his wife Mary Anne worked in the Ginninderra district from the 1840s, and in 1852 John bought […]

Sydney Branch: Walking Tour of Oatley Park

  Oatley Castle. (Photo care of Oatley Flora and Fauna Conservation Society) Join us for a walking tour of Oatley Park led by members of the Oatley Flora and Fauna Conservation Society following a talk by a local historian. Venue: […]

ACT Monaro Riverina Branch: Exploring Green Griffith

AGHS has planned an early April walk through the suburb of Griffith, just as we near the end of Daylight Saving.  Griffith is one of Canberra's oldest suburbs, rich in parks and fine trees, and with several streets following Walter […]

ACT Monaro Riverina Branch: A Day at Retford Park

Retford Park (photo Robyn Oates) We are delighted to invite you to a day out at the historic Retford Park house and gardens in Bowral. Retford Park’s European history extends back to 1821. In the 1880s the property was acquired […]

Zoom lecture: Big Hearted Gardens

You are invited to our annual Winter webinar and fundraiser for the Nina Crone Writing Fund Big Hearted Gardens: Community and Care at the Melbourne Flower & Garden Show Join landscape architect Emma Sheppard-Simms and go behind the scenes of the Melbourne International Flower and […]

Zoom lecture: Gardens and land management in Western Victoria

Winter online zoom lecture by Dr Raymond Madden, Senior Lecturer, Anthropologist, in the School of Social Sciences, La Trobe University James Dawson, (1806-1900), was a prominent pastoralist in the colonial history of western Victoria.  In 1881 he published, ' Australian Aborigines: […]

ACT Monaro Riverina branch: Cootamundra garden tour

Join us on our Spring Tour of some beautiful private gardens around Cootamundra. Enjoy the rural way of life as you stroll through  interesting pastoral gardens. This is a wonderful opportunity to visit some long-established gardens in the ACT Monaro […]

ACT Monaro Riverina Branch: Visit to Duntroon House and Gardens

Duntroon House is listed on the Commonwealth Heritage List. Join the knowledgeable Duntroon guides for a tour of Duntroon House and gardens. Hear their stories and look out for historical plantings. The tour will last about 60 minutes plus time […]