Kindred Spirits Fund

On her death Lady Law-Smith bequeathed to the Australian Garden History Society the publication rights to the book, Kindred Spirits: A Botanical Correspondence. This tells the life stories of Joan Law-Smith and the fine botanist and naturalist, Jean Galbraith, and their friendship and working relationship through botany lessons given to Joan by Jean.

Researched and written by Anne Latreille, it was published by the Society in 1999. It followed that money from sales of the book provided funds to the AGHS. As a tribute to Lady Law-Smith the money was placed in a special fund named the Kindred Spirits Fund.

The fund’s purpose is to support the AGHS in carrying out its mission and objectives to foster the scholarly, scientific, literary and artistic aspects of the Society and for the advancement of education and other purposes beneficial to the community through the AGHS. In recent years this Fund has been further strengthened by further generous donations from our members.

To read more about this publication or to purchase a copy, please click here.

Here is a link to the Kindred Spirits Fund application 2025.


Projects awarded funding:

2001      Planting the Nation. Georgina Whitehead
2002     The Oxford Companion to Australian Gardens. Richard Aitken & Michael Looker
2003     Studies in Australian Garden History – Vol 1Edited Max Bourke & Colleen Morris (out of print)
2006     Studies in Australian Garden History – Vol 2. Max BourkeAM & Colleen Morris
2008     Garden Cuttings. Nina Crone
2010      The Garden of Ideas: Four Centuries of Australian Style. Richard Aitken
2011       Long Views & Short Vistas’: Victoria’s Nineteenth-century Public Botanic Gardens. Gwen Pascoe
2012      Studies in Australian Garden History – Vol 3Edited Dr John Dwyer QC & Dr Jan Schapper
2012      An Eden of Loveliness: Ballarat Botanic Gardens. The Friends of Ballarat Botanic Gardens
2012      Exceptional Australian Garden Makers. Anne Vale
2012      Funding Post Graduates, Burnley College – Sally Randall & Megan Backhouse
2012      Australia Felix Project – ‘Homesteads of Australia’ – Prof. Harriet Edquist & Christine Reid
2013      Cultivating Modernism (publication and travelling exhibition) Richard Aitken
2013      History of the Friends of Burnley. The Friends of Burnley Gardens
2013      Crowe’s Report. Southern Highlands Branch
2014      Honours and Post Graduate Student funding, University of Adelaide. Zahra Ranjbari
2014      Studies in Australian Garden History – Vol 4 (consultancy). Richard Aitken & Christina Dyson
2015      Marginal Landscapes. Prof. Helen Armstrong (e-publication)
2015      The Florilegium: The Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney Celebrating 200 years. The Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney.
2016      Gardens of History and Imagination: Growing New South Wales. Gretchen Poiner & Sybil Jack.
2017      Weeds, Plants and People. John Dwyer QC
2018      Gardens + Environment. Dr Ruth Morgan & Dr Christina Dyson

2025      palawa tunapri – Tasmanian Aboriginal knowledge Trisha Hodge (in progress)