
Modernist gardens: conserving a vulnerable heritage   Christina Dyson and Richard Aitken

Modernist design and the Australian Garden   Colleen Morris
Modernism was slow to filter through to Australian garden design, but its uptake – especially after World War Two – has produced a heritage that is now rapidly being destroyed.

The condrum of the modernist garden: a British perspective  Toby Musgrave
Between the two world wars British garden owners rejected functional modernist principals and the evolution of a progressive garden form by designers was stymied by conservatism.

‘Nature’s Sanatorium’: the open-air treatment of tuberculosis at Nunyara, Belair, South Australia  Julie Collins
Tuberculosis ravaged the world throughout history, yet with no cure, open-air treatment at sanatoria was all that could be offered in the early twentieth century.

‘Make friends with the cactus’ : floral art and Australian modernism  Gloria Strzelechi
Floral art – in the sense of both flower painting and flower arranging – was a leading force during the interwar period in bringing modernism into the Australian home.

The black and white garden  Silas Clifford-Smith
From its establishment in 1880, Australia’s weekly Bulletin magazine – the bushman’s bible’ – has been a rich store of national folklore, with surprising richness for garden historians.

Anticipating Municipal Parks: reappraising Adelaide’s Park Lands  Donald Leslie Johnson

Profile: Glenn Cooke

Forging partnerships at the Australian Museum of Gardening  Richard Heathcote

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