
Conservation of significant gardens        Jane Lennon
Conservation of Australia’s garden heritage gained momentum in the 1980s, but more now needs to be done to protect this significant resource.

The Cultural Landscape Foundation: stewardship through education        Charles Birnbaum
The Cultural Landscape Foundation, a Washington-based organisation with the
mission of stewardship through education, in promoting understanding and awareness of our shared landscape legacy.

The contribution of landscape history to garden conservation        Tom Williamson
Conservation of historic landscapes requires a thorough understanding of their fabric and systematic survey – using a range of approaches – can provide powerful evidence for decision makers.

Advocating for heritage ‘without a roof’        Anna Foley
The National Trust is actively involved in advocacy for the environment, including significant trees, parks and gardens, and landscapes, an aspect of its work often overlooked.

The power of people to protect our historic landscapes        Linden Groves
These days, volunteers are playing an increasing role in the work of garden and landscape conservation, and in the United Kingdom, the Garden History Society and the Association of Gardens Trusts have led the way.

Garden history and heritage conservation in Portugal        Eduarda Paz
Portugal boasts a fine collection of historic gardens and landscapes, but garden history and conservation resources struggle to meet the undoubted significance of this outstanding cultural resource.

Connection to place        Amy Hobbs
Conserving New Zealand’s significant gardens and cultural landscapes is a vital part of the work of Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga, the country’s principal government heritage agency.

Challenges in conserving living heritage        Stuart Read & Gwenda Sheridan
Trees form the backbone of Australia’s significant gardens and designed landscapes, yet current approaches to their management leave this vital living heritage in peril.

Netscape: National Association for Olmsted Parks

Museum musings – A museum library: another garden ‘tool’        Ray Choate

Profile: Elaine Lawson

Montague Island vegetable garden restoration project        Colleen Morris
A Conservation Management Plan for Montague Island was prepared in 2009, with further research on the kitchen garden recommended. The aim of the reinstatement of the kitchen garden is to interpret a past way of life-the light keepers of Montague Island.

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