
waranta tunapri tapilti milaythina putiya pawa: Our knowledge travels through Country; it is never finished        Trish Hodge
lutruwita (Tasmania), has been home to First Nations people for more than 42,500 years. Nations and family groups had responsibilities for caring for their milaythina (Country); they knew the seasons intimately and cared for their milaythina in unique ways. Our knowledge will always be in the milaythina, we just need more time to be out there with Country to remember and listen to all that is around us.

Poetry and place: Expressions of a landscape        Dianne Firth
Australian landscapes inspired poets such as Dorothea Mackellar. Does Canberra, a city by design and a city in the landscape, inspire poets? To find an answer to that question, the author invited poets to write about Canberra, which she, in turn, used as inspiration for textile art.

Jack Mundey … a gardener?        James Colman
It is highly unlikely that a future history of Australian gardening will include a chapter on the late Jack Mundey. Indeed, if Jack was still with us, he would almost certainly be surprised at the notion that he had made a serious contribution to garden heritage. Yet, he coined the phrase ’green ban’. Jack Mundey may not have been a home gardener, but without Jack and his Green Bans, Sydney,the city he loved and worked for, would today be more brown than green.

The legacy of the migrant garden: Stories from the Adelaide suburbs        Joanna Tsalikis
Many of our earliest memories are defined by the spaces where we grew up. For waves of migrants these memories influence how they establish themselves in a new place, seeking to make it reminiscent of their homeland. Those who came from Italy and Greece to Adelaide in the 1950s and 1960s first secured a home, then established a garden to cultivate fresh produce. The gardens of these first-generation migrants have been recorded in the Gardens of Promise Project.

Greetings from banana land        Glenn R Cooke
Bananas are Australia’s largest horticultural industry and its highest selling supermarket product. Ninety per cent of the country’s banana crop is produced in tropical north Queensland. Despite its dominance, the banana has not achieved the iconic status of the seasonal pineapple and associated products and glories.

Euphorbia, commonly known as spurge: Defined by Dr Johnson as ‘a plant violently purgative’        John Dwyer

Euphorbias can make a significant contribution to a garden but must be handled with great care due to the poisonous sap and their propensity to escape. The milky white latex-like sap that has sometimes been used medicinally is best thought of as dangerously poisonous and highly allergenic. The risks are real but many gardeners have found the rewards to be well worth the effort.

Advocacy AGHS’s climate statement
The AGHS’s patron, Tim Entwisle, launched the Society’s first climate change position statement at the 42nd annual conference in Hobart on 13 November 2022. The statement outlines key actions needed to protect landscapes and plant species from climate change impacts. It calls for all gardens and amenity landscapes to be managed sustainably, and for planting choices to be based on the garden’s intent, alongside the very best available scientific evidence.

For the bookshelf
Two AGHS authors shone at the 42nd annual conference: Ann Cripps, author of Gardeners, Plant Collectors, Friends: Hobart Town and Beyond, and Jane Lennon, author of Across Bass Strait: Inter-Colonial Trade in Meat and Livestock.

For the bookshelf: The Wardian Case: How a Simple Box Moved Plants and Changed the World by Luke Keogh.      Reviewer Anne Claoue-Long
In the late 1820s, Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward working with his friend George Loddiges came up with the idea of an airtight self-watering biosphere that facilitated the successful transportation of plants around the world. The Wardian Case became an important tool in the exploration for, and global diffusion of, agricultural and garden plants, and made a significant contribution to garden history.

AGHS national oral history collection Tara Edmondson
Tara Edmondson has been the Estate Gardens Manager, Office of the Governor, Government House, Hobart, since 2019. In 2022 she spoke with Jean Elder about her background and the Garden.

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