After our ‘Expanding Horizons’ 2019 conference in New Zealand, an increased awareness of and interest in plants native to Aoteoroa in Australian gardens might be arising. From the Society’s 2013 ‘Gardens with Altitude’ conference in Armidale comes this paper by the Society’s now Co-Chair, Stuart Read.
Raised in a large New Zealand garden full of native trees, plant lover Stuart was perhaps hard-wired to notice kiwi plants in Australian gardens. Over time he’s pieced together a pattern of waves of fashion in their planting and popularity, reflecting scientific and horticultural expansionism, commercial and familial networks and connections across the Tasman. Stuart examine a range of NZ plants found in old and younger Australian gardens, teases out some of the means by which they got here and why they remain popular.
New Zealand Plants in Australian Gardens (2018)
Appendix A New Zealand plant availability in Australian nurseries